Hospital Stay
Hospital Stay Due to having a C-section, I got to stay in the hospital from Tuesday until Friday. Honestly, it was mostly a good experience. Hospital food has a reputation for being God awful, but we learned this wasn’t the case when my husband ended up staying in a different hospital for a week 2 1/2 years ago when he found himself coughing up blood for no known reason. The food in that hospital was actually amazing, and they gave you so much that half the time we would split his meals between us. Food was pretty much the first thing on my mind when I was rolled into my hospital room. You know, after they made me do the hilarious fish flop from the operating bed into my normal hospital bed. That’s a ton of fun when you still can’t feel your legs. Although it was probably more successful than when I had to get on the operating table just after the spinal block. I was told I could order dinner but warned not to eat too fast so I wouldn’t get nauseous. Yeah, t...