Ponderings on Normality
Last week, I had my first appointment with my ob-gyn pertaining to my pregnancy. Everyone in the office was very congratulatory, which was nice, even if it did feel a little premature. I guess after 10 weeks, I should get over that feeling. Things are looking good. (And I am mostly optimistic, really. I think anyone who's pregnant, though, has concerns and worries for the first trimester, probably because of how paranoid the internet, etc, has made us about this. I know many moons ago, women told everyone they were pregnant as soon as they knew. They didn't wait and worry, which is more common practice these days. I want to be nothing but happy and positive, but doubt creeps in occasionally. I also want to support the women in the Infertility Groups I'm in on Facebook, though a lot of them post when horrible things happen. Just this weekend, a woman lost her baby at 19 weeks. There isn't a huge amount of positivity, and that's probably because a) people need mor...