Sugary Car Rides and Bathing Suits
This week, I had the dreaded glucose test. People complain so vehemently about how disgusting the sugary drink you’re made to consume is, I didn’t know what to expect. Really, it just tasted like orange flavored water with a little extra sugar, but it wasn’t by any means awful. I was also nervous because I (normally) have hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, and drinking something like that could lead me to pass out, or at least feel extremely weak and faint. I was sure that by the end of the hour you have to wait before having blood drawn, I’d barely be able to stand up, and no doubt I would pass out as soon as the needle went into my arm. But, thanks to a good book, the hour went quickly. I never felt any difference in my blood sugar. (Is that good or bad? Not sure.) The phlebotomist I had was extremely nice, too, which was a welcome change of pace. She noticed my small veins and used a pediatric needle, and she had no trouble at all getting into the vein, which would normally dodge...